Team FGG - Compassionate Coaches to Help You Chase Your Dreams

Doug Lawrie - Director of Instruction,
PGA of Canada Coach of the Year 2022 / Jr Leader of the Year 2012
A 30 year member of the PGA of Canada, Doug has used his ability to build lasting and meaningful relationships, his athletic and coaching background to develop the Focus Golf Group Academy into one of the most successful player development programs in Canada. Constantly evolving and using his own motto; "Better Never Stops" Doug works tirelessly to ensure each athlete is given the opportunity to chase their dreams in golf. Utilizing his FGG specific Roadmap building techniques and evaluation, Coach Doug shows each player their own path and how to navigate the ups and downs, curves and lines to accomplish each of their goals.
"I am so excited to offer more opportunity for more players of all levels with the addition of my FGG Academy TEAM of coaches. I know they will be a massive compliment to the FGG Academy and I look forward to watching even more players succeed in their pursuit of their dreams."
- Coach Doug
Nolan Mackenzie - PGA of Canada Professional / Lead Coach / Instructor
Entering his 4th season as a PGA of Canada member, Nolan's rise in the coaching ranks has been nothing short of meteoric! Incredibly personable, his knack for connecting with players is palpable. A constant researcher, Nolan has been growing his technical and physical content by design, as his personal trainer designation and development of his own game have pushed his knowledge to levels thought to be in coaches with a far greater length in this business. His background in team sports has passed on and into his approach to his coaching. This is evident in his players finding success through their Roadmaps and following the FGG Academy structure of player development proves Nolan and his coaching will continue to grow!
"Nolan possesses a strong ability to bond with his players and is a perfect fit alongside the beliefs and values of the FGG Academy, I am proud of all he has accomplished so far and with him as Lead Coach / Instructor, I know the FGG Academy can reach even bigger heights!" - Doug Lawrie Director of Instruction
Contact: Email: Cell: 905-484-8047
Marcus Khaw - PGA of Canada / Assistant Coach / Instructor
Marcus comes to the FGG Academy by way of UTEP (University of Texas - El Paso) after playing collegiately for the past 4 years. Having just completed his first year as a member of the PGA of Canada, Marcus has shown that helping others play good golf is what he wants to do. His care-free, jovial and easy demeanour presents a simple point of connection with each student he comes into contact with. An outstanding player, the FGG Academy will benefit immensely having him alongside other players and coaches, utilizing his High Performance experience to take players to even higher levels with their games.
"Having known Marcus since High School, its been a pleasure helping him with his decision to become a member of the PGA of Canada and focus on building his teaching and coaching knowledge. I have the utmost confidence that Marcus will be a massive asset to the FGG Academy and I am very happy to have him as part of the team!" - Doug Lawrie, Director of Instruction
Contact: Email: Cell: 905-351-1570
Bradley Byers - Jr Camp Co-ordinator / Jr League Captain / Trackman Specialist
Entering his 4th year as a vital member of the FGG Academy Team, Brad's dedication and attention to detail have allowed our FGG Academy Junior Camps, Junior Leagues and group programming to always be the talk of the town! Brad's instant connection with kids is magnetic. Juniors who have taken part in our programs are always so pumped to come each and every week. Brad's the reason for this and we are fortunate to have him while we encourage and watch him work diligently on his own game as he chases his own personal dream in Professional Golf. One of Brad's greatest traits is his investigative nature, which will be served this coming season with his continued learning and working with Trackman closely.
"Watching Brad grow these past 3 years, he has shown a focus that he had not shown previously. His relationship building skills and loyalty are exactly the character traits the FGG Academy value in their coaches as it trickles down into the players. I really love Brad's dedication. It's infectious and will help the FGG Academy continue to grow!" - Doug Lawrie, Director of Instruction
Contact: Email: Cell: 289-838-4618