Coach Doug’s Top 50 List
The Things I Learned in 2021

9th Annual Top 50 Things I Learned This Year!
This year’s edition comes with some holdovers from previous years as they are always helping me learn and be the best. I think it’s important that you reflect and note those things that have helped shape your year and I love sharing them with all of you! This is my 9th Annual Top 50 list and it is actually hard to believe, BUT I’m excited to share it with you. I hope you have a few favourites!
Coach Doug
50. Nespresso Coffee is so good I barely get Starbucks anymore!
49. Write it Down! You won’t remember it later.
48. People post the weirdest stuff on social media
47. Texas is a VERY cool place and their BBQ is UNREAL
46. Everyone needs a form of movement in their day – for me it’s YOGA ……Namaste
45. Junior Golfers do not take into consideration the wind nearly enough when they’re playing
44. Lockdowns screw up my Junior’s, fellow coaches & the golf industry’s mental health which isn’t good for anyone.
43. My Faith continues to bless me and give me strength and guidance.
42. Girls Golf ROCKS – Nelly Korda could be one of the biggest keys to women’s golf parity and man she can golf her ball!
41. TITLEIST continues to show me why they are the very BEST golf company to work with. #teamtitleist
40. That the #letusplay movement in Ontario this past spring gave us all hope and I thank all parties for contributing.
39. Wake Surfing is doable at the age of 53!
38. TikTok will steal hours of your time without you even realizing it!
37. I wish I had met Author, Trevor Moawad before his death because he’s helped me understand how beneficial a “Neurtral” mind is for success.
36. You CAN coach effectively online.
37. That some simple Hashtags #thiskid #thesekids #myguy #mygirl can capture how much my athletes mean to me.
36. Parents make really poor decisions that can have catastrophic results on their child’s trajectory.
35. That socialization and interacting with others is essential for my mental health. It fills my tank every day.
34. Observing other coaches is important to continuous learning.
33. Surround yourself with like minded individuals who you can rely on and call upon.
32. Relationships with your players are the KEY to unlocking their potential.
31. Be EARLY for everything! If you’re on time you’re late!
30. Learn what the word “PIVOT” means to you and do it!
29. Juniors are not for “EXPERIMENTING” on. PERIOD.
28. Trackman is a great QUANTIFIER for your coaching.
27. Using a Chocolate Chip Recipe to coach a 6 year old about chipping a golf ball has a lasting effect!
26. CHARACTER over IMAGE 100% of the TIME
25. Being HONEST is absolute.
24. If you PRIVILEGE the PAST with a NEGATIVE mindset, you will be riding that train for a long time.
23. Sharing books that you’ve read with other pros is a healthy practice.
22. You need to have an EQUALITY, DIVERSITY & INCLUSION policy. If you don’t have one, get one.
21. Ask QUESTIONS if you don’t know or understand.
20. 8:30 am On-Course dance sessions with #mygirlchuck is a fantastic way to start your day!
19. Be Available to LISTEN when someone needs you.
18. Be sure to FAN the FLAMES of those you know who are on FIRE! They deserve it.
17. Siblings need to be coached DIFFERENTLY.
16. A Call, Text or FaceTime with the simple question “Are you ok?”, after a tough round can be just the thing for a junior to know that you’re here and you care.
15. US KIDS Golf has been one of the most IMPORTANT golf companies for the past 2 years! Thank YOU Dan Van Horne, John Bryan, John Godwin and everyone in Atlanta!
14. Watching one of your Juniors “Find Their True Self” and see them blossom fills you up like nothing else.
13. Having a PLAN allows you to be more successful.
12. My Son and Daughter continue to show me that we’ve raised thoughtful, kind and dedicated humans.
11. On Course Coaching is ESSENTIAL for improving a player’s performance.
10. Sharing ideas & helping others by mentoring them is incredibly fulfilling.
9. Your ROUTINES & HABITS matter MORE than you think they do.
8. Believing in your athletes and telling them they can do anything they set their mind to, only helps prove the fact that Size Doesn’t Matter!
7. My cousin can coach her face off and she has taught me so much more than I ever expected coaching alongside of her! #yougogirl
6. I could NOT be the coach, father, friend & husband without my fantastic wife Susan of 27 years!
5. Hold your players accountable. You don’t have to be a hard-ass about it, but being firm and honest is essential to their being pushed to the edge of their comfort zone.
4. Dancing and posting it only makes people smile and laugh when they could totally NEED it!
3. Coaching at a National Championship is VERY validating to your hard work.
2. Remember you are no way even close to being the BEST, the BIGGEST or the SMARTEST coach, instructor or teacher. Stay HUMBLE and APOLOGIZE if you make a MISTAKE.
1. BETTER NEVER STOPS…… Keep going cuz I’m not done YET!
Happy 2022 Everyone. I truly wish you all a safe and prosperous year filled with many learning opportunities to help it be the best year ever!